Christina Hughes is a transplant to DC from Houston, TX, where she graduated magna cum laude from Rice University in 2013. Christina received both her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Rice in Civil and Environmental Engineering and has worked in engineering consulting for the last decade. Before moving to DC in 2023, Christina worked as a water resources engineer in Houston, addressing issues of urban flooding and stormwater management. She is a licensed professional engineer in five states and has been actively engaged in positions of leadership around sustainable infrastructure design and planning both in her career and volunteer work. Her passion for urban sustainability and resilience lead Christina to her current position as the Mid-Atlantic region Climate Adaptation practice lead at Ramboll, a global engineering and architecture consulting firm. Since her PBK induction in 2013, Christina has been an active alumni member and served on the board of the Houston PBK Alumni Association from 2015 to 2022 in various roles including young member engagement, scholarship committee, and Vice President of Membership.