Time to pick your key up off the shelf!
At DCPBK, we break molds. Our members are creators, activists, scholars, linguists, policy makers, researchers, lawyers, scientists, liberal artists, public servants, innovators, leaders, and lifelong learners. We come from all parts of the world, professional backgrounds, and walks of life. One of the largest and most diverse Phi Beta Kappa alumni associations in the country, with a rich history of over 110 years, we boast a culture unlike any other: a wealth of long standing traditions, intergenerational friendships, a premier professional network, and a dynamic population that keeps our programming eclectic and fresh.
Join us for social outings, museum walks, hikes, stimulating discussions, and other programs that promote Phi Beta Kappa values!
Whether you are a current student, recent graduate, working professional, or retiree, we offer something for everyone. If you are a member of Phi Beta Kappa in the greater DC area, DCPBK is the place for you.

6 Key Reasons to Join (and counting)!
Book Club
Our group meets once a month to discuss a varied selection of fiction, nonfiction, and classic texts, as recommended and voted on by our members.
Coffee & Conversation
Join us for informal discussion and Q&A with subject matter experts on a quarterly basis from the comfort of your home.
High School Awards
Each year, we award $1,000 a piece in college tuition scholarships to four promising local high school students, capped off with an awards ceremony during graduation season. The program runs entirely on the generous donations of devoted members.
Language Groups
If you’re looking to sharpen your conversational Spanish or French skills, look no further than our monthly language practice groups!
Mentorship Network
The mentorship network encourages opportunities for peer mentoring and growth through a formal five-month program, coupled with regular mixers.
Young Professionals Network
The YP network hosts a variety of events to provide community and networking opportunities for new inductees and young professionals.